Meet your client for the first time without the DSM
Because your clients are worlds before they are conditions.
RSVP for evrmore beta for your wellness practice
How evrmore helps deepen your sessions in 3 key areas:
Bring Historical Context to Light
Even Before Your First Session
By bringing to light the historical and motivational context that takes time to uncover, evrmore helps bring the whole person into view before you meet. So you don't have to default to DSM diagnosis as a medical proxy for the psyche.
Fill in the Gaps In-Between Sessions
With Dynamic Interventions & Support
Using micro interventions that help upkeep the dynamics and vitality of your sessions, evrmore can surface hidden patterns so they're seen, made conscious, and become real insights both you and your client can use.
A Treatment + Supervision Continuum Integrated with EHR
Elevating the reflective qualities of supervisions, evrmore creates a self-contained platform where parallel-processing of consultation and efficacy are effortless so you can focus on bringing your best to your client.